I made another altered lunch pail for Emma's teacher. She likes the more vintage look so I tried to use that kind of paper. I packed it with a devotional book and a restaurant gift card.

Working on a new logo for the P.E. shirts for next year. Going to run this by the P.E. teacher today. She wanted something edgy, so I used graffiti lettering and splattered look.

These are my 8th grade advanced artists who are leaving Calvary to go to high school. Graduation is tonight. I hope they all pursue their artistic talent and come back to let me know what art college they are going to. We have had a great year and I have really enjoyed these kids.

This is a sample project for summer art camp. It's a fish made out of a plastic water bottle. I just cut the end off and made a tail shape and stapled it back on. I used sharpie markers to color it in and added a couple of holes at the top to string it up.

And lastly, the kids had class swim parties yesterday. This is Henry's class on the swing set at the Bucher's. They went bowling first and then played for a few hours at the Bucher's house. Later, Henry fell into a rose bush with no shirt on and got cut up pretty bad. He is fine though. He just looks like he got in a fight with a rose bush and he claims he won. Today is the last day of school. I think it has gone by so fast. It's been a great year and I hate that it is ending cuz it really has been special, but on the other hand, summer is looking mighty fine at this point too.