Been busy in September, made carmel apples with Emma's friends, yumm!
Put this tree up in my classroom. Saw a cute one on Pinterest, and had to have one of my own.
We had a monkey visit the artroom so we went over the rules for monkeys in art class, by the way, the rules apply for students too....FYI
Started these farm landscapes using a little bit of perspective, and my tractor is a John Deer.
More monkeys, for the older kids, they practiced symmetry.
and, from last year, I put up their portraits again, so they can see how they have grown over the summer....
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
With the start of school comes the fall season and fall decor, which I love almost as much as Christmas. Got the Fall decor boxes down from the rafters, and enjoyed putting them up, especially in the entry way.
Some metal decorations, the ghost is a candle....Made this room freshener into a formaldehyde poison bottle....Got the crows out and added them here and there around the house. My mom gave me this pumpkin a couple of years ago, I love the white with the black writing, give thanks....
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Got this off another blog, I can't remember where, but I loved it of course, cuz it's so true. Had a rough week a couple of weeks ago and then transitioning from being off to having to go to work and meetings and such, gave me a bad attitude. Then school started Weds. and I got to be creative once again with my students, who I missed over the summer. And, art made everything awesome. I'm in the creative groove again. Brainstorming some ideas about art lessons and projects for M.C. Escher. Anyone have any great ideas out there?
Friday, September 2, 2011
Disruptive Monkey
A monkey came to art class last week and he was really disruptive. He didn't listen and follow directions, he didn't stay in his seat and he didn't share his crayons. He was even playing with the art supplies while I was teaching about a famous artist. He was talking so loud while I was teaching the other kids couldn't hear me. I asked him to stop. But then he just got louder. Finally I told him he had to leave, that disruptive monkeys weren't allowed in art class. He started to cry. He said that he had never been to art class before and that he didn't know the rules. He said he wanted to stay and learn the rules and asked if I would help him. I said he could stay if he learns the rules and follows them so that all my students can enjoy art time. I will be asking my students what the art class rules are, so we can teach the monkey, so he can stay and be artistic with us.