Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ATC class

My atc class is coming up again at the Red Bee. It's on Saturday October 13th from 2-4. It is for adults and children so bring your favorite of the other. These are beautiful models from the last class showing off their creative vibe. Hope you will join me. Pass the word.

Also, I'll be at the Red Bee this Friday from 7-? if you need a creative outlet I'll see you there. There is always something that needs to get scrapped.


  1. I love your blog! So many wonderful things on here. Your artwork is amazing, your children are just beautiful and you are truly an inspiration! Thanks for sharing your blog with me....I look forward to reading it consistently! God bless!

  2. I love your artwork and the fact that you blog about different things every post...I am so much in mad want with that first the top of the post! So cute!
