Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I've been sick with than nasty cold that is going around, and haven't felt very inspired lately, but I have found some cute things for the spring swap I am participating in, so I wanted to share. I've been on a nest kick lately, and can't wait to find some real nest with eggs in them. Usually we get doves in the back yard that will make a nest and lay some eggs. It's fun to keep an eye on the eggs and look for baby birds. So glad that it is spring. I stayed home from work yesterday to rest, and I sat out in the sun for a little while, it felt so good. The lamb of March is finally here, yet the windy lion is still trying to roar a bit.


  1. Love your nest/Spring photos.
    Hope you are soon feeling better

  2. Hola Jenna...hope you feel better soon. Can't wait for the real spring weather to kick in. :)
