Friday, September 26, 2008

Biggest Loser

Today is weigh-in day at the Biggest Loser at CCS. We are going to play at work. The biggest loser wins the pot and the scale. Here are the rules:

Biggest Loser at CCS!
Who’s ready to play? Here are the details below.
Sign up sheet is in the lounge if you are interested in playing I’ll go buy as scale.

1. “HAVE FUN”, Eat healthy, and exercise.
2. The first weigh in will be on Friday Sept. 26 from 12:15-12:45pm
. Subsequent weigh-ins will be every Friday from 3:15-3:45.
3. The final weigh in will be on December 19th at 12:15-12:45pm
(11 WEEKS)
4. Weigh-ins will occur every Friday from 3:15-3:45 (unless otherwise stated (on Light the Night week, we will weigh-in on Wednesday 10/29 at 3:15-3:45) and we will skip Thanksgiving week.
5. There is a $5 registration fee which “MUST” be paid during your first weigh in.
6. (You can join at any time during the first three weeks but the longer you wait the harder it will be to win)
7. All monies owing to the pot should be paid during the time of weigh in or prior to the following weigh in. (So if you have a bad week, be prepared break out the spare change)
8. There will be a $1 weigh in fee per week applied to all contestants.
9. There will be a penalty fee of $1 applied if your weight stays the same.
10. There will be a penalty fee of $1 if you miss weighing in. This dollar will be combined with the weekly weigh in fee of $1, for a total of $2 dollars each time you miss a weigh in.
11. There will be a penalty fee of $1 added for each pound gained. (i.e. Gain 3 pounds, you owe $3)
12. Only weights recorded on the Biggest Loser scales on Friday will be recognized. (You will not be able to submit your weight via e-mail or after the fact. So unless you are sick, have made other weigh in arrangements or cannot make it in due to weather, a $2 penalty will be applied.)
13. The winner will be the person who loses the largest percentage of body weight. (start at 200 pounds and lose 10 pounds and you have lost 5%)…[(Start weight - Finish Weight) X 100 / Start weight = percentage lost.]
14. A percentage of the pot will be used to pay for the scale. At the end of the contest the winner will be awarded the scale and “ALL” funds collected by the pot.
15. “Challenge your friends and LOSE WEIGHT”
16. No weight will be published and no one will be on television.

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