Friday, December 5, 2008

Creative Stuff

doing my part to recycle, by collecting caprisun packages at the lunch tables, washing and drying them, then giving them to my mom to make caprisun purses. Aren't they cute. Get yours at Mistletoe Mall next week.
also at Mistletoe mall, magnets..... and......
there are just two weeks left in our biggest loser competition and I think I am in first place now. I have lost just about 20 lbs in 9 weeks. I have been riding the exercise bike everyday and eating lots of salads.


  1. congrats on the weight loss. that's phenomenal. you lost them and i think i found them!

  2. Congratulations on the weight loss. What a great feeling! Cute Caprisun bags.

  3. First, I want that monkey magnet so I will see you at Mistle toe Mall!!!

    Second, you look GREAT 20lbs lighter & have a glow!!!

    Third, your salads are yummy!!!
