Monday, February 16, 2009

Whimsy Houses on a Rainy Day

Happy Birthday Abe Lincoln. I get to celebrate it by having a day off. Only its rainy out so I've stayed in and done a little art and gave two dogs a bath. These are atcs that aren't finished yet, they need a bit more, another layer, maybe of doodling. Not sure. Any ideas for whimsy houses on a rainy day?


  1. Jen - guess I am truly electronically challenged -- wanted to be sure my eggs will be the right size - The template was bigger than the paper size - at least that is what it said -- so if you could help - sorry I am always a bother lol -- as for your whimsey houses too too cute -- if you look on my blog in October this year - you will see pictures of Fairy whimsey houses -- larege and pics we took in a little Mountain town -- He was in lots of magazines and worked for Disney for about 10 years -- They are really cute Kathy - ga -

  2. Hi~ I found your blog through Artsy Mom (I think)...I love your art- your blog is so inspiring!!! Hope you enjoyed your day off- I'm a teacher too so I was off as well- gotta love the presidents for that one! Take care~

