Go Crush!
Okay egg swappers, do you see your envelope? If not I am sure it will be here today. I know that there are a few stragglers out there so I am going to see what comes in today and hopefully get them out by the weekend. These are the envies I have gotten so far: Wald, Tetreault, KYates, MCornish, LynnR, Bradshaw, KathyL, Susan H, KDavis, JLewis, Nelly L. ElizabethH, Nanelle, Joyce, Lauri I, Robin, Tammy, Kari, RKlein, ChristineE, Jane P, ValerieM and Wendy. If you are not on the list and have mailed let me know so I can keep my eye out for your package.
In art teacher news, my 7th graders made huge bags of candy and stuffed them with plastic bottle caps so they shake like a real bag of candy, only they are about 1X2 feet. Sweet!
CUte ide and a cute team -- Kathy - ga