Monday, August 27, 2012


I found this chair on the side of the road, it was pretty beat up but I loved the print.  It was covered in cat hair and dust and smelled pretty bad.  I took it home and washed it.  My mom put in a new zipper in the cushion cover, (thanks mom).  I bought a new piece of foam for the cover $44, and I bought and installed new castors ($12) and cleaner cost about $15.  It still smells like cat so I am going to fabreeze it to death.  I love it and for $71, such a deal.  Go away cat smell.......


  1. Cool find! I love it when these things drop into our laps! Have you tried sprinkling baking soda on the chair? It should help neutralize the odor and you can vacuum it off after it's had a chance to absorb the cat odor. It might be worth a try...Good luck with it and keep your eye out for a cool ottoman to go with it! Cynthia

  2. 1 cup hydrogen peroxide
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1 drop liquid dish soap
    combine until baking soda dissolves
    pour on cat odor area and let dry.
    You can increase these amounts if need more. I use it by the quart.
    rinse or vacuum residue. I love this chair!

  3. The product Odo-Ban (at Sam's or Walmart)is very good.

  4. Place a open bag of charcoal on the chair and let it sit for a week of so, the charcoal will absorb all the smells in the fibers. Then just throw the charcoal out. It might work even faster if you cover the chair with a big trash bag. When I bought my house the previous owners were not responsible with their pets. I placed four big bags of charcoal in each corner of the room and it absorbed all the smells from the carpet. Good luck.
