Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pop Art

4th grade studied the pop art movement and created a piece of art from a popular everyday object

February Art

When I think of February, hearts always come to mind, and romance of course, and the Eiffel Tower.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Picasso dogs

Oil pastels on brown paper

Monday, February 11, 2013


My kinders studied Roy Lichtenstein and made self portraits with ben day dot paper. After school art made snowmen from a new perspective.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Misc. Art Room Stuff

 We are studying color in jr. high art, so we looked at George Saurat's painting only using dots of color.  Then each student took a piece of it to make this colaborative group project.  Can't wait to put it up in my art room. 
 2nd graders studied the Eiffel Tower and Gustave Eiffel the man behind the design.  We blended oil  pastels in the background and painted the tower in the foreground, then created a border that says Good Day! in French. 
 5th graders drew the bottom of their shoes and disigned their soles.  Then the  finished the rest of their self portrait from an interesting perspective. 
I went to the flea market a couple of weeks ago and saw a cute easel that I wanted but it was too much and I couldn't get it home in my friend Hanne's porche, so I went online to craig'slist and got this one for a fraction of the price.  I have to buy some chalkboard spray paint to make it new again, but still saved a few bucks.  I also brought a plant from home to add to my display.  I love putting this out every morning to greet my students when they come in.