Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Just two more days until CHA. I can't wait. I have to get off the computer and make my namebagde holder. I have to make it really creative, as I am going to spend the weekend with the most creative people in the country. I'll definately post my experiences as this is the first time I get to go to a craft and hobby world fair. Thanks for all the birthday comments. Jill D. I hope you have been celebrating by leaving at 4:30 this week. I noticed your comment was left at 11:4osomething which is too late for a kindergarten teacher to stay up.

We have been paper macheing in art elective. I'll try to remember to take some pictures tomorrow. We are getting messy and loving it.


Anonymous said...

It's too late to write to you....but I wanted to know if you got your nametag holder finished?@?@?@?@ I want to see a picture of it when you do. I can't wait to hear about your adventures! Think yummy thoughts!

:) Jill

jennalee said...

Jill, I finished my name badge and I think it looks good, but not sure what everyone else's will look like. I will take a picture of it after I get my name badge and post it. I might be making a new one tomorrow night, depending on what I see at the show.